Big 5 Attraction and Conservation

The big five are among the most dangerous and was the most popular or attractive species for big game hunters to hunt on foot. Traditionally, these animals were hunted or shot and the hunter would have been very proud because it was very difficult to hunt these 5 animals, sometimes the hunters were killed in the process. The reason being that when these animals were shot or wounded, they would charge, thus making them the ultimate trophies.

The Big 5 are supreme and one should note that they are prime targets for wildlife conservationists. The African Lion and the African Bush Elephant are both classified as vulnerable. The African Leopard and the White Rhinoceros are both classified as near threatened. The Black Rhinoceros is classified as critically endangered so they cannot be hunted at all. The African Cape Buffalo is the most popular Big 5 game animal to hunt, as its conservation status is least concern, but it is experiencing a population decline.

Today, luckily these animals are shot with the camera for their beauty a majestic superiority.

Private luxury lodges around the Kruger National Park offer visitors close contact sightings with Elephant, Lion, Rhino, Buffalo, Cheetah, Giraffe, Zebra and a vast variety of antelope and other species. All the Big 5 (elephant, rhino, buffalo, leopard and lion) are found at Kruger National Park. In addition, the Kruger Park has more species of large mammals than any other African Game Reserve (at 147 species).

Most importantly, although the Big 5 are extremely breathtakingly unforgettable, there are so many other awesome animals (big and minute) within South Africa to be spotted when on a Safari, also do not forget the rest of African Wildlife as well as the flora.

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