Where should you go on a Kruger Park Safari? Greater Kruger? Sabi Sand? Inside Kruger?

So what is the difference you might ask? Let us show you…

inside kruger

In the Kruger Park

close to kruger

Greater Kruger Park

Sabi Sand

Sabi Sand

Firstly, the location of Greater Kruger, Sabi Sand and the Kruger Park itself as indicated on the maps above might influence your Kruger Park Safari choice.

You might specifically ask for a option like Sabi Sands, but you have to take into account the prices which makes this the most expensive and luxurious option. 5 Star Luxury Lodges such as Singita Boulders and Ebony Lodge are located in Sabi Sands Game Reserve.

Greater Kruger on the other hand also borders the Kruger National Park without fences, just like Sabi Sand Game Reserve and provides comparable luxury at a more affordable price. Various 5 Star luxury lodges are in the area of Greater Kruger Park, inside the many private game reserves. Enquire with us to find out about any of the Kruger Park Safari options mentioned in this blog post.

When staying inside Kruger National Park, most probably you will stay on the National Park Grounds and infrastructure of rest-camps, protected by electric fences. You will either have to use ablutions on camping options, or have your own bathroom and air conditioning in a hut chalet.

Some travel agents and tour operators might sell you a Kruger Park Lodge option, making you think that you have booked inside Sabi Sands, however some of the lodges who advertise themselves to be in Sabi Sand are actually inside Mala Mala Game Reserve, which in its own right borders Kruger National Park and Sabi Sand Game Reserve. So, yes… They are sort-of inside Sabi Sands.

In my honest opinion, all three locations mentioned are actually comparable. Animals roam free over the rivers and areas part of a private property called a Private Game Reserve. The private game reserves differ only from Kruger National Park my means of ownership.

Secondly, options regarding the services, amenities, facilities, luxury level and your budget can influence your decision

If your looking for a budget Kruger Park Safari, you are in luck, since we do offer these. We can help you make the most appropriate decision for your wallet and piece of mind. Just enquire on the Kruger Park Tours website.

So perhaps you want to go on honeymoon…

Mmm… the good news is that you can book a 5 star Luxury Lodge Safari at a comparable price to staying inside the Kruger park or even choose a Tree-house. But if you really want to go camping, you can.

When booking a safari with Kruger Park Tours, you will get the advantage of knowing that the best set of inclusions of the set packages will be given to you, for you to make the most informed decision regarding your African Safari trip.

The advantage of booking with us is that we do Travel Experience Designing with you to choose the Safari you want and need most.

Which Kruger Park Safari you take is entirely up to you

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