The difference between a private game reserve and a Kruger National Park safari

Seeing animals in their natural habitat (inside the Kruger National Park) rather than smaller private game reserves is explained in this blog post.

A private game reserve safari

Luxury Lodge safari game drives in private game reserves divert off roads, making animal sightings up close and personal for the visitor. The experience is very exiting and takes your breath away with predators like lions being meters away.

You will have an extra person, called a local Shangaan tracker with a seat on the bonnet of the open safari vehicle. The local Shangaan tracker is a highly experienced African local who grew up in the wilderness learning from a very young age about all kinds of animals, their dung, tracks and more. He then points out to the guide / game ranger where to go. This process is very effective.

You will also find that game rangers working for bigger companies, like private game reserves, handle the safari much more professionally by detailed safety briefs and conversations on what you would like to see. He then makes sure with the help of the local Shangaan tracker to get you right next to the animals you would like to see.

Private game reserves are fenced most of the time, although some are more ecological, without fences toward the Kruger National Park. You will definitely see more animals in a fenced game reserve, as they make provisions for drought, whereas National Parks let nature follow its natural course.

Various academic and practical experts disagree about wildlife management. The big question has always been: should there the human interference? You would probably say no, but take into account the effect of existing human destruction like poaching, then most agree that breeding programs and seasonal water holes are necessary.

Kruger National Park safari

Seeing animals in their natural habitat (inside the Kruger National Park on safari) rather than smaller private game reserves is always best for the environment, as the animals can roam free over immense spaces as their intended to do. We believe that staying on planned road layouts ensure better management of the ecology like with the safaris inside Kruger National Park.

The game ranger on your Kruger National Park Safari provided by Kruger Park tours will still be very experienced and relating his knowledge based on the ecology of the Kruger National Park rather than just chasing for the next big 5 sighting. You might have a few rare sightings such as porcupine, Bateleur eagle and ostrich during game drive. Friendly and entertaining staff will make your African safari very fun.

Take note that animal sightings will be further away as game drive vehicles may not leave the roads. Some seasonal man-made water holes and fire prevention will be there for wildlife maintenance, although many animals die of drought during the winter months due to the natural process of selection as well as a scarcity of water and food within National Parks.

Going on a safari inside a National Park like Kruger, you will help conserve the untamed wilderness by means of natural ecology scientifically studied and maintained as if there was no or limited human interference.

Your accommodation will be of a relatively comfortable standard as SANParks have quality chalets which are very clean and have en-suite facilities for a great safari. Even ablutions will be comparable to clean guest house toilets.

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